The Only Pitch Deck You’ll Ever Need

Course by:
Erick Schonfeld

A good pitch goes a long way. A great pitch can make your career. Erick Schonfeld, editor of TechCrunch and one of the co-founders of Touchcast, has heard quite a few pitches over the years: he’s seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. He’s also seen some of the best. In this course Erick will share exclusive tips on how to deliver the most effective pitch possible.

The Perfect Pitch
1m 16s

You have a vision--it’s fresh, creative, and it’s going to make an impact. But if you don’t share it the right way, that dream will never become a reality. Crafting the perfect pitch won’t be easy, but I assure you it can be done.

Problem? There’s no problem...
1m 28s

You’re going to need a problem, and the bigger, the better. If you can define a problem that’s impacting the community and is in need of a solution, you’re going to get a lot of attention.

...that you can’t solve.

Once you’ve identified your problem, it’s time to show how you and your company will solve it. This doesn’t have to be in detail (yet), but you definitely want to pique the interest of potential investors.

It’s Story Time
2m 6s

We make sense of the world through stories. And if you can’t tell a story to convince investors, how do you expect your customers to believe you? Locking down a story that will resonate with people across the board is crucial to landing your pitch.

Size Matters
2m 33s

The next thing you want to introduce in your presentation is the market size. By defining the size of the market you’ll help orient investors and give them a tangible framework they can understand; remember, they’ll be skeptical of anything you do here, so be prepared to manage expectations and strike a balance.

Competition = Validation

Large markets breed competition, which is never a bad thing. The key will be to demonstrate how your company can do it better, even if it’s just by questioning the status quo in a way that stands out.

The Product™

After all that setup it’s time to convince investors you’re more than just talk: show them your product. This is the centerpiece of your pitch, the climax, and should demonstrate how it really is the solution to the problem you noticed at the beginning.

Show It Off
1m 26s

You should be prepared to show a live demo of your product whenever possible because, by and large, this is one part they’ll absolutely remember at the end of the day. Think of this as a trailer, not a feature length movie, and keep things appealing and relevant.

Team Time

Now that your investors know what you’re selling, it’s time to convince them you have the people to back them up. After all, even the most successful ideas need more than just one mind to come to fruition. Does your team have what it takes to conquer the market?

Prove A Profit

You can’t walk into a meeting with no idea how your product will actually make money. Figure out your revenue stream, know your margins, and get your metrics down cold.

A Brief Financial History

Unless you’re going through another round of investor funding, no one is expecting you to show real actual revenue yet. That said, it’s important to demonstrate a record of your financial history so far, from projected revenues and expenses to profits and losses.

The Customer is Always Right

You need to demonstrate their is a need for your product, and the best way to do that is through your customers. If they have big names, drop them. If they’re consumers, show the metrics.

Growing Up

Customers translate into revenue and growth. Investors want to see evidence that your company is gaining traction, which will set you up for the next and final stage…

The Ask

This is it: the reason you walked into this room (or in front of the webcam). You’ve told them your story, and they believe it, but to make your dream a reality you need more cash to fuel the tank. Be specific. Be confident. And get ready for the next chapter to start.

Download Pitch and Erick's Template to start creating your perfect pitch deck today.
Erick Schonfeld

Erick Schonfeld is the co-founder of Touchcast, the executive producer of DEMO, and a technology journalist. As the former Editor-in-Chief of TechCrunch, Erick oversaw the editorial content of the site, program the Disrupt conferences, produced TCTV shows, and on top of all that produced original, daily writing for the site. Nothing excites him more than pushing the boundaries of communication technology.

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