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Case Study
Financial Services

How Kepler Cheuvreux used Touchcast to improve their annual Investor Relations Forum during COVID-19

Caitlin Mueller
Virtual Event Manager
increase in overall attendees compared to previous year
Active Viewers
Kepler Cheuvreux / 11th Investor Relations Summit


Kepler Cheuvreux is a leading independent European financial services company specializing in equity research and execution, fixed income and credit, structured solutions, corporate finance, and asset management. They are the first independent European equity broker with a presence in 13 major financial centers in Europe and the United States.

Kepler Cheuvreux chose Touchcast to host the 11th edition of their IR Summit in partnership with Euronext and 17 European local IR associations on December 10, 2020. They welcomed more than 660 IR managers to watch and engage with 30 speakers who shared industry-specific political and macroeconomic insights. Panels featuring executive managers, asset managers, consultants, experts, and IR association representatives shared their views on the evolution of investor relations in the current COVID environment.

“The team was very reliable, very professional, and very kind. We actually look forward to working with you.”

The Goal:

As Managing Director, Anne Lacarrière manages the planning and execution of the IR Summit. “People are quite keen to find out about new technology and just experiment.” Kepler Cheuvreux wanted to deliver timely content in a secure and immersive space to IR managers in principal European cities.

“We truly believe it's just the best solution out there for a virtual conference. We haven’t done anything as good.”

The Challenge:

Getting people together to discuss the new normal in a motivating and fresh atmosphere was crucial. Standard virtual event platform packaging was just not an option. Enhancing the overall event and providing engaging solutions was critical in ensuring that the information was delivered in a way that counted. Attendees needed to come out of the event with tools equipping them to be better advisors.

The Solution:

Touchcast understood the importance of providing attendees a way to experience new technology securely in a world rampant with Zoom fatigue. To accomplish this, Kepler Cheuvreux made full use of our design team wizards, who created beautiful, fully customized virtuals stage sets and event branding. "The quality of the graphics stood out first. The quality of production stood out after the event. The professional finish really helped,” Anne disclosed.

Attendees were welcomed by a customized login page with two-step authentication and taken into a user-friendly event module where they had the opportunity to scroll through our dynamic agenda and read up on speaker bios. Once the action began, attendees witnessed gorgeous varying stage sets and multiple camera shots, giving them the feeling that they were in the live room itself. From here, they were able to chat with fellow investors, submit questions to the presenters, and react live with emojis. 👏  "It seems like, from the start, Touchcast was clearly ahead of everything else that we saw,” mentions Anne.

Taking a once in-person event online for the first time can be harrowing, but Touchcast provides you with reliable world-class production support during every phase of the event cycle. "The service that we were promised is what we got," shares Anne.

“Touchcast totally delivered.”

Favorite Features:

  1. Unique and customizable virtual sets
  2. Resource Section
  3. Video on Demand allows attendees to revisit the event anytime from anywhere
  4. 1:1 meeting capability


Kepler Cheuvreux's first virtual IR Summit with Touchcast observed an increase in attendance from 250 to 670 attendees. "What was very good in this particular case was that we got an unusual amount of messages of thanks and congratulations. The people that participate in our events don't usually take the trouble of sending something. That in itself was a way to measure. We didn't ask for that, but we got it," revealed Anne. IR managers emerged with a fresh perspective on being superior advisors in an age that requires it most.

Anne notes, "I would like to extend our thanks to the Touchcast team, who is quickly becoming an extension of our team." Touchcast is looking forward to a continued partnership with the fantastic team at Kepler Cheuvreux.

Financial Services
Main Point of Contact:
Anne Lacarrière - Managing Director, Global Head of Corporate Access
Company Size:
Paris, London, Frankfurt, Geneva, Milan, Stockholm
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